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Bell Nunnally’s Heath Cheek and Nathan Cox on Texas Lawyer Explore Texas Business Courts, the “The Next Frontier in Business Litigation”

22 Jul 2024 North America

Bell Nunnally Partner R. Heath Cheek and Senior Associate Nathan Cox authored the Texas Lawyer article “Texas Business Courts: The Next Frontier in Business Litigation.” The piece examines the creation of specialized Business Courts in Texas through House Bill 19, enacted in 2023, with courts set to open on September 1.

Cheek and Cox highlight that this reform, affecting litigation filed after Sept. 1, 2023, is one of the largest changes to the Texas court system in a generation. They note, “The expected benefit and overarching goal of the Business Courts is to provide a more efficient and predictable forum for larger, more complex civil litigation facing Texas businesses.”

The authors explain that these specialized courts will handle complex business disputes with high stakes, typically involving amounts between $5 and $10 million. Cheek and Cox also point out a significant exception, “There is no amount in controversy requirement for lawsuits involving public companies concerning more internally focused business disputes.”

Cheek and Cox conclude by expressing optimism about this new frontier in litigation, stating, “While there are sure to be growing pains along the way, the upside of this dedicated court system will hopefully make it worth it.”

To read the full article, please click here.